June 30, 2019

March 21, 2019


Swedish poster for DISHONORED (Josef von Sternberg, USA, 1931) Poster design: Gösta Åberg

Via Movie Poster of the Day

December 28, 2018

Børge Ring

Anna & Bella (1984), an animated Academy Award-winning short by Børge Ring, 1921 - 2018.

October 30, 2018

Albin Grau

Wikipedia: "Albin Grau (December 22, 1884 - March 27, 1971) was a German artist, architect and occultist, and the producer and production designer for F. W. Murnau's Nosferatu."

Some Albin Grau posters, drawings and sketches.

I Have Been Waiting...

The Horrors Of It All

King K

September 22, 2018

The Lemur Snake

discarding images:

"Hybridizer – very useful tool for creating your own animated animal hybrid based on Merian’s engravings for Jonston’s “Historiae naturalis"."

April 22, 2018

Sound Effects

BBC Sound Effects

"These 16,016 BBC Sound Effects are made available by the BBC in WAV format to download for use under the terms of the RemArc Licence. The Sound Effects are BBC copyright, but they may be used for personal, educational or research purposes, as detailed in the license."