Showing posts with label pulp fiction covers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pulp fiction covers. Show all posts

May 26, 2008

Illustration: Robert McGinnis

"Robert E. McGinnis (born 1926) is an American illustrator known for his illustrations of paperback book covers and movie posters, including Breakfast at Tiffanys, Barbarella, and several James Bond films." says Wikipedia.

This is my second post with the same name. The link in the first one is dead so when I saw girlfriday_2's excellent Flickr set via This is not happiness I thought "Great! A perfect substitute!" So enjoy!


May 21, 2005

Pulp fiction & Filmmanus

Pulp fiction 1

Här kan du läsa mängder av filmmanus, t ex Pulp fiction (varsågod Zeno!)

Pulp fiction 2

Pulp fiction 2

Definitions for Pulp fiction

Novels written for the mass market, intended to be "a good read,"--often exciting, titillating, thrilling. Historically they have been very popular but critically sneered at as being of sub-literary quality. The earliest ones were the dime novels of the nineteenth century, printed on newsprint (hence "pulp" fiction) and sold for ten cents. Westerns, stories of adventure, even the Horatio Alger novels, all were forms of pulp fiction.

Mer bokomslag som ovan och nedan.

Pulp fiction 3

Pulp fiction 3