Re-post #17: Posters
De Lijst - 18+ Movie Posters
De Lijst - Cult Movie Posters
De Lijst - Yet More Cult Posters
Posterman: Original, Rare & Vintage Film Poster (vintage film)
ThGroh's movie poster collection on Flickr
Seriesam (Swedish movie poster collectors site)
Classic Polish Film Posters
Polish Poster Gallery
Bollywood Posters
Serial Covers From the 30s and 40s
African Movie Posters
pOoTer's pSycheDelic shAcK - Art (60s psychadelic poster art)
Collectable records poster gallery (more 60s psychadelic poster art)

WW and cold war
World War II Propaganda Posters from
World War II Posters at the New Hampshire State Library
German Propaganda Archive
WWI and II propaganda from HistoryDigger.Info
Stalin Era Posters
Soviet Propaganda Posters
Stefan Landsberger's Chinese Propaganda Poster Pages
Vintage Chinese Propaganda Posters

The Los Angeles Public Library ’s collection of travel posters
Vintage French and Italian Posters
Vintage European Advertising Posters
Affiche Francaise: Default, original vintage posters
American Posters from the 50s to the 70s
Vintage Disneyland Posters
Nancy Steinbock Posters (varied collection)
Abram Games Posters (posters by Abram Games)
Hong Kong Poster Collection (public Hong Kong posters) (Cuban graphic designs from the 60s until today)
Great list of sites for the Posters, Thanks!!!
Have seen the LA ones, but not the others. Cheers!
Thanks guys!
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