Showing posts with label beardsley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beardsley. Show all posts

September 11, 2005

Art: Aubrey Beardsley

The english artist Aubrey Beardsley died in 1898 at the age of merely 25. Even though his life-span was cut short he managed to become both an influential artist as well as a controversial social figure. A short biography.

Artisticly he is mentioned as a part of and a great influence on the Art Nouveau (jugend) movement with conntections to the Pre-Rafaelites and the Aesthetic movement.

Lysistrata Defending the Acropolis

The influence on Beardsley from japanese and oriental art is clearly seen.

Beardsley works at Artspassion.

More works by Beardsley here.

Aubrey Beardsley in Wikipedia.