Showing posts with label communist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communist. Show all posts

September 6, 2009

Propaganda: Komsomol Choir

Ленин - Партия - Комсомол "Только так победим", 1983
Lenin - The Party - The Young Communist League "Only in this way we will win", 1983

(find more here)
Komsomol Wikipedia

May 7, 2005

Poster Art: Anti-Aircraft Gun to North Vietnam

Early 70s, Artist: ?

"Class solidarity
Anti-aircraft gun to North Vietnam (+ account number for contributions)"

Fund raisers:
- KFML(r) Kommunistiska Förbundet Marxist-Leninisterna (revolutionärerna)
- SKU(ml) Sveriges Kommunistiska Ungdomsförbund (marxist-leninisterna)
- SKS(ml) Sveriges Kommunistiska Studentförbund (marxist-leninisterna)


Poster Art: Stalin Era Posters

Stalin Era Posters
