Showing posts with label en svensk tiger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label en svensk tiger. Show all posts

October 7, 2005

A Swedish Tiger

"En Svensk tiger" - "A Swedish Tiger" is an ambiguous phrase also meaning "A Swede Keeps Silent". It was a slogan created during WW2; reminding Swedes, especially those in the Armed Forces, not to speak of more or less sensitive matters which could possibly harm the nation. The enemy was out there with big ears.
The symbol - the tiger in Swedish blue and yellow - was created in 1941 by Bertil Almqvist. It has for some time now been used by Beredskapsmuséet - the Museum For Military Preparedness but Militära Underrättlse- och Säkerhetstjänsten (MUST) - the Military Intelligence and Security Service urges the museum to stop using it claiming that the Swedish Military Defence has the copyrights to it. The museum is threatened by a fine of 500.000 Skr (about 65.000 USD) but maintaining that the rights should belong to Almqvist's daughters. To be continued. (Source: among others DN)

I hope they don't fine me for this!
