Japanese Postcards
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: dogs, Japanese, postcards, Vintage postcard
Monkey Duel
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: Ephemera, monkey, monkey business, postcards, Vintage postcard
Der Litterat
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: 50 watts, austrian, postcards, Vintage postcard, wiener werkstätte
In the Navy
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: Ephemera, postcards, Soviet, USSR, Vintage postcard
Vintage Postcards: Year of the Monkey
Posted by Martin Klasch 2 comments
Labels: 1930s, ephemera assemblyman, japan, Japanese, monkey, postcards, Vintage postcard
Ephemera: School Girls' Banzai
ephemera assemblyman: Japanese Postcards of the Russo-Japanese War
The meaning of banzai.
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: banzai, japan, Japanese, postcards, russia, Russo-Japanese War, school girls, Vintage postcard, war
Vintage Postcards: Film Cards
Flickr: Truus, Bob & Jan too!: Film Cards
"These are all scans of vintage postcards of the European cinema between 1895 and 1970."
via the Museum of online museums
Posted by Martin Klasch 2 comments
Labels: european, european film, flickr, movies, postcards, ursula andress, Vintage postcard
Ephemera: Soviet Christmas Cards
Another nice Christmas classic: Old Soviet Christmas card collection
via Everlasting Blört
Posted by Martin Klasch 4 comments
Labels: cards, christmas, christmas cards, Ephemera, postcards, Soviet, Soviet Union, USSR
Vintage Design: Expo 67
Expo 67
world fair in Montreal, Canada
You will find many links for Expo 67 sites at Wikipedia.
Here are a few sources I used for collecting the images:
Expo 67 postcard gallery, Expo 67 (un-)Official Guide, Expo 67 - a virtual experience, The Canadian Design Resource: Expo 67
Thank you all!
And finally, let me introduce Lillian Seymour. This lady visited Expo 67 and you can see her polaroid snapshots here.
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: 1960s, canada, design, Ephemera, expo 67, montreal, pavilion, postcards, posters, souvenirs, travel ephemera, vintage, World exposition, world fair
Vintage Postcards: New York World's Fair 1964-65
1964 NY World's Fair
"New York World's fair 1964-1965 "Peace through Understanding.""
Sinclair Dinoland 1964 World's Fair
"New York World's Fair 1964-65. Featuring nine life-size prehistoric monsters that roamed the earth millions of years ago"
New York World's Fair 1964-65
postcards found among many others here.
Sinclair Dinopark
UPDATE: I added some snapshots I found from Sinclair Dinoland at Flickr, a couple of images from a book, a Sinclair dino toy, the Sinclair logo, and an ad:Uploaded to Flickr by califboy101
Taken by Lillian Seymour and uploaded to Flickr by ninecormorants
From Palaeoblog: Sinclair Dinoland 1964-65: Part 1, Sinclair Dinoland 1964-65: Part 2
Gasoline Alley Antiques
Uploaded to Flickr by the owls go
Posted by Martin Klasch 3 comments
Labels: 1960s, american, Book Covers, dinopark, dinosaurs, Ephemera, New York, polaroid, postcards, USA, vintage, vintage photos, Vintage postcard, world fair, zoology
Flickr: Wackystuff's Art
I just want to say, in addition to the last post, that wackystuff's Flickr and blog doesn't only contain wacky, cool and funny ephemera but also ATC's - Artist trading cards and artist stamps that he produces himself. Check 'em out.
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: art, Ephemera, flickr, postcards, stamps, wackystuff
Vintage Postcards: Dogs
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: dog, dogs, popcards.fr, postcards, vintage, Vintage postcard
Postcards: Welcome to Sweden
'Stadsparkens Restaurant, Kalmar, Sweden, 1960s
'It's Midsummer's Eve here in Sweden. All Swedes are not dancing around the maypole in folk costumes. A peaceful dinner for two in a nice spot is sometimes preferred by some.
The vintage postcard above is from Ultra Swank's post "Welcome to Sweden".
Please notice the table flags.
Vintage food: Sweden House Smorgasbord
Pickled herring anyone? View more images from Sweden House Smorgasbord and more at Senses working overtime's Flickr photostream. Great stuff!
Does anyone know where that is/was?
Posted by Martin Klasch 2 comments
Labels: food, postcards, smorgasboard, smorgasbord, smörgåsbord, Sweden, Sweden House, USA, vintage, Vintage Food, Vintage postcard
Vintage postcard: World exposition 1937
An interesting postcard from the world exposition - Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne - in Paris 1937. The Nazi-German pavilion on the left placed directly across the Stalin-Soviet pavilion on the right. Talk about premonition of things to come.
Uploaded to Vintage photographs by h rust
The German pavilion was designed by Albert Speer (and sculptor Josef Thorak) and the Soviet pavilion by Boris Mihailovich Iofan (and sculptor Vera Mukhina). Need I say they both were awarded the gold medal?
Please go here for more postcards and photos from the exposition!
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: 1937, Albert Speer, architect, architecture, German, germany, Iofan, nazi, Paris, pavilion, postcards, Soviet, Soviet Union, Stalin, USSR, vintage, Vintage postcard, World exposition, world fair
Happy 2007 - the year when pigs fly!
Posted by Martin Klasch 8 comments
Labels: 2007, happy new year, postcards
Blog: Motel Hell
No, I haven't experienced a weekend at/of Motel Hell, but I have been absent. Busy, just busy...
Sorry about that!
Now, back to the good stuff.
Check out the blog, Motel Hell (from the very same guy that gave us Old Haunts; Deviled Ham; Malls Of America and Santa and Me!).
Posted by mrdantefontana 4 comments
Labels: blog, motel, motel hell, postcards, Vintage postcard
Vintage Ladies and Other Stuff
Here's a collection of postcards. There are vintage ladies - I'm not referring to elderly people but they would be if they are alive today - some nudes (NSFW), some movie stars and some other ladies. Then there are postcards of cute cats, some cartoons and Drew Barrymore (!)
You also get your doodle-a-day.
Ivan's JPEGs
Thank you to Josephzon!
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: nsfw, postcards, Vintage Ladies, Vintage postcard