Showing posts with label villain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label villain. Show all posts

September 30, 2005

Who's Your Favorite James Bond Villain?

My four favorites or let's say my favorite two pairs of Bond villains are all from the same Bond-movie - Diamonds Are Forever. They are of course
Mr Wint & Mr Kidd...

...and Bambi & Thumper.

Both pairs are really weird, revolting, scary and both are probably supposed to be gay; at least the men (no question). As I recall, it's not far-fetched to interpret the women as being man-hating gays as well. Do these villains show the film maker's fear of everything homosexual? Be that as it may, it's the total weirdness of the characters that grabs me.

So, who's your favorite James Bond Villain?

James Bond MultiMedia | Bond Villains

And while you're at it; who's your favorite bond girl? (or spot five Swedish beauties or what's your favorite bond girl name?)
