A bout portant (2)

The Killers, 1964, Dir: Don Siegel. French poster, Poster artist: ? 

See earlier post: A bout portant / Hämnarna / The Killers 

Dracula jagt Mini-Mädchen, AKA Dracula A.D. 1972, AKA Dracula '73, AKA...

Posters from Wrong Side Of The Art!

Dracula A.D. 1972

Dracula '72 (UK) (working title)
Dracula 1972 (International: English title) (informal title)
Dracula 1972 D.C. (International: English title) (poster title)
Dracula Chases the Mini Girls (UK) (working title)
Dracula Chelsea '72 (UK) (working title)
Dracula Today
1972: Dracula colpisce ancora! (It)
Drácula no Mundo da Mini-Saia (Br)
Dracula jagt Mini-Mädchen (BRD)
Draculan kosto (Fi)
Drakoulas 1972 (Gr)

Renamed for its French and Spanish releases because it reached theaters there one year later:

Dracula '73 (Fr)
Drácula 73 (Sp)

Source: IMDb

This is an edited repost from 2008 in honor of Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee (1922-2015).


A Ronald Searle Smörgåsbord

Perpetua - Ronald Searle Tribute: Smörgåsbord 

A bout portant / Hämnarna / The Killers

The Killers, 1964, Dir: Don Siegel. French poster, Poster artist: Guy Gérard Noël

via This isn't happiness via Movie Poster of the Week


Related to:

The Killers, 1946, Dir: Robert Siodmak. Swedish poster, Poster artist: Martin Gavler

Originally posted on the 3rd of January 2009


"In 1969 Searle published a book of sketches made on location in the strip-shows and cabarets of the St Pauli district of Hamburg. The French edition had a much more eye-catching cover." (see art above and with title here)


Poster Details

Since 2009 I've posted a number of images which I call "poster details" They are details/parts of vintage movie posters for exploitation/horror/sci-fi movies. Most of the posters I found at the great Wrong side of the art. Below you can see some of the "details" collected in a couple of collages. Also I have an album on Flickr for them.

The Martin Klasch 10 year anniversary rerun series