From Martin Klasch

From Martin Klasch

Two more thrift store bargains.
Greeting cards from the 70s? 60? Newer? I don't know, it's hard to say. But I like the look. They are in Swedish but the original might not be...


Children's Books: Kajsa

From Musselsoppans Vänner

I just happened to come across this little charming children's book from 1961 in a thrift store today. The illustrations were made by Åke Lewerth (for Swedes mostly know for illustrating Agaton Sax). You will find some more from the Kajsa book at Musselsoppans Vänner.


Album Covers: Odessey and Oracle

From Martin Klasch

Odessey and Oracle


Vintage Ads: BRIO

BRIO magazine ad made for posting in the nursery. Martin Klasch

BRIO (Wikipedia)
More nice BRIO images at this collector of BRIO wooden toys.


Illustration: Autumn (AKA fall in North American English)

Uncle Wiggily 12, originally uploaded by wardomatic.

Uncle Wiggily, by Howard R. Garis. Pictures by Mel Crawford. 1953.


Poster Art: Chicago International Poster Biennial

From Martin Klasch

1st Chicago International Poster Biennial

Gold Medal - for best poster of 2008:
Remo Caminada, Switzerland
“Frank Popp Ensemble Concert”



Vintage Ads: Models Getting Dirty

Uploaded by volvoracingde

Posted to LiveJournal - Vintage Ads by shep shepherd.

"A Volvo promotional film from around 1982 featuring several 760GLE models getting dirty" (link)


Francophonix: France Gall

From Martin Klasch

The World of Kane.: Mai '68: France Gall Photo Story.

The World of Kane.: France Gall à la mode.

From Martin Klasch

Related web radio:
(a click on the button will take you to the site)


Vintage Beverage: Merry

From Martin Klasch
Merry Ad, 1960s (probably late second half)

Merry was a Swedish soft drink
which was sold from 1963 (1964 nationwide). Its original flavor was lemon/lime, in other words it was a soft drink similar to 7up and Sprite, perhaps a just bit less sweet. Using aggressive market strategies, targeting the adult population, it pretty quickly became a popular product. The slogan was "Merry - med fullvuxen smak" (Merry - with mature taste).
It was cool and hip to drink Merry. For many people growing up in Sweden in the 60s Merry still has a place in their hearts and memories. That's why I think it's a bit strange that it's so hard finding information about the drink on the Internet. I'm pretty sure, though, that Merry survived the 70s but perhaps just barely. My own memories of Merry are not from the time of this ad - I was busy being born around then - but from, I guess, the second half of the 70s. I remember the Merry bottles coming in a completely different shape - they were short and stout and they had an extra large opening.

Edit (July 2018):

image found here

What are your memories or rather vad minns du av Merry?

Just as I was about to wrap this post up I found a couple of things. First one promotional photo showing bottles in three sizes. I found it at Skånes Näringslivsarkiv.
From Skånes Näringslivsarkiv

Secondly I found (here) a message - in Swedish of course - from the company Bjäre Industrier AB to its workers regarding the new product Merry. The year was 1963.

From Martin Klasch

Two Merry ads at Uncle Sid's: 1, 2
Links only in Swedish:
I bloggen Grisfötter och wienerkorv på burk. kan man läsa lite om AB Bjäre Industrier
och om hur ett Kristet ungdomsförbund siktade på en Rolls Royce
Läs om varför folk inte beställde taxi utan en merry istället.
Mer om Bjäre industrier från sid 20 i denna pdf (sid 19 enl sidnumreringen)
Related Martin Klasch posts:
Vintage Beverage: Loranga
Vintage Beverage: Champis
Ephemera: Plonk! (Sound effect soft drink labels)
Ephemera: Swedish Soft Drink Labels
Vintage Beverage: Zingo
Vintage Beverage: Cuba Cola
All posts with label soft drinks

Vintage Ads: The Man From M.A.S.T.E.R.

From Farbror Sid

Swedish shoe ad from 1967.

The copy (text) is pretty good too and it ought to be translated but don't feel I'd do it justice.
"Han med sug i blicken och spänst i sin gång. Kör alltid med Master. Eleganta skor i modern design. Bekväma. Som gjorda att gå på i. Som nu - vid en stilla drink fram på småtimmarna. Då är det skönt med Master för stressade agentfötter."

Google translate wanted to have a go:
"He suck in the eyes and resilience of its time. Run by the Master. Stylish shoes in modern design. Comfortable. As made to go on in. As now - at a quiet drink until the small hours. When is it good with Master of stressful agent feet."

Google translate is a good thing but it has its limitations. :D
If anyone else want to have a go at the translation please be my guest!


Photoshoppings: The VBK Supporter

From Martin Klasch

Related links:
Josephzohn gås blogger
"Bandy" article at Wikipedia
Bandy should be outlawed
