Album Covers: Vinyl acquisitions
Take a look at The In Crowd's recent vinyl acquisitions at I'm Learning To Share!.
Posted by Martin Klasch 2 comments
Labels: album covers, Covers, I'm Learning To Share, vintage, vinyl
Book Covers: Big Brother
1984 was written by Eric Arthur Blair in 1948 and as it has been reprinted a great many times in numerous countries these are of course just a drop in the ocean when it comes to fronts covers of the book. Just the same, there they are.
By the way, the 1984 index stands at "UNGOOD" - that can't be good, can it?
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: 1984, Big Brother, Book, Book Covers, books, Covers, George Orwell, literature
Magazines: 6.000 indexed fiction magazines
These nice magazine covers and much much more are to be found at this index of over 6,000 fiction magazines. How about that barely clothed pancake slinging lady for International Women's Day?? Are they still out there or have our societies moved on?
Posted by Martin Klasch 2 comments
Labels: Covers, fiction, grow a brain, illustration, magazine, magazine covers, Magazines
Comics: Detective Comics covers
"Detective Comics is a comic book published by DC Comics since 1937."/"Originally an anthology-style comic, featuring stories in the "hard-boiled detective" genre popular at the time..."/"However, the fame of Detective Comics was assured by issue #27 (May 1939), which featured the first appearance of Batman (as "The Bat-Man")." (Wikipedia: Detective Comics)
More covers of Detective Comics or go here for 421 other titles.
Via Look at this!
Related posts:
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: Batman, bats, Comic Book Cover, comics, Covers, Detective Comics
Illustration: Golden Age Comic Book Cover Gallery
I thought this was going to be a repost but going through the archives I can't find it. So, for the first time in this blog:
Ben Samuels' Classic Golden Age Comic Book Cover Gallery
Via Fokital (NSFW)
Related posts:
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: Comic Book Cover, comics, Covers, illustration, vintage comics
James Bond
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: 007, 1950s, 1960s, Bond, Book, Book Covers, Covers, design, illustration, James Bond
A Nazi-Indian?!
No, no, no! This papier-mâché Native American is probably greeting us with non-political intent.
Come join Tim, Tom and Pia and let's go over to grandma's for some papier-mâché making. What better to do on a rainy day? I believe it's a Polish book (Swedish edition) and it's printed in 1969. It has lots of colourful and fun stuff typical of it's time. You can find some scans of it here.
Posted by Martin Klasch 6 comments
Labels: Book Covers, children's books, Covers, nazi, nazi-indian, nytt med gamla tidningar, papier-mâché, polish
Illustration: Vogue Covers
Posted by Martin Klasch 4 comments
Labels: Covers, illustration, Magazines, Vogue, Vogue Covers
Illustration: Esquire Cover Gallery
Esquire är en herrtidning som jag aldrig läst med det var roligt att studera den grafiska utvecklingen av tidningens omslag, från 1933 till idag. Samtidigt kan man ju få en viss aning om utvecklingen av innehållet genom bildval och rubriker. Esquire Cover Gallery
Via Cynical-C blog
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: Covers, Esquire, Esquire covers, illustration, magazine covers, Magazines
Design: Har du tröttnat på dåliga skivomslag?
Om inte så hittar du massor här:
Bad Album Covers' latest photos slideshow on Flickr
Lyssna på Swamp Dogg här. Han är inte så dålig som han ser ut. (Massor av mer bra låtar på Bubblegum Machine)
Posted by Martin Klasch 3 comments
Labels: album covers, bad album covers, Covers, design, flickr, record covers
"Safety Dance"
"You Oughta Know"
"Smells Like Teen Spirit"
"Eyes Without A Face"
"Rock El Casbah"
"Love Will Tear Us Apart"
"London Calling"
UPDATE: Links above are dead.
För informaton om artisterna och fler låtar gå till musicformaniacs
Jag vill också varmt rekommendera de funkjazziga hammondorgelversioner av Iron Maiden-låtar med gruppen Casualties of Jazz du hittar här.
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: Covers