Showing posts with label Sweden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweden. Show all posts

May 28, 2006

History: Brazil goes Åtvidaberg

It's the summer of 1966. The Brazilian national football team has been invited to the Swedish town of Åtvidaberg by the AB Facit company, at the time a large successful producer of calculators and typewriters. It is all a part of the Brazilian team's training program for the World Cup in England later in the summer. They have just played a training game against Åtvidaberg FF and now it's relaxation and party time. Singer Lill Lindfors is entertaining, Pelé, guys in viking helmets are there and meat is being grilled over the Churasqueiras...

View the clip

Via Josephzohn gås blogger


February 22, 2006

Architecture: ...and look what they turned down!

This is actually what the same architect (as the one below) , Gert Wingårdh, first came up with! But the the politicians in Stockholm are just such a bunch of cowards! They thought it was just too spaced out and turned it down! So they chose to erect a building that is plain, blends in and will probably simply disappear... (sigh!)

Architecture: Progressive Stockholm

The new Landmark at Norra Bantorget.

Look! The front will be in glass. How progressive. Never, ever seen it before.

February 21, 2006

Architecture: A Stockholm landmark is gone!

Rotundan, Norra Bantorget, built 1938-40, architect Holger Blom

No there wasn't a fire, they tore it down! When will they ever learn!

October 7, 2005

"Fru Gårman"

"Herr Gårman"("Mr Gårman") - is a play with the words "Här går man"("Here One Walks") - and also the popular swedish name for the sign for pedestrian crossing. (left)
The green party - Miljöpartiet - has, in the name of equality, proposed a female complement to the male symbol. I was surprised to know that the original designer, and the designer of most swedish road signs (Pdf) - Karl-Gustaf Gustafsson - already designed a female version back in 1979. (right)
(Source: Aftonbladet)

My favourite road sign, by the way (off the road)
Create your own Swedish road sign.


September 29, 2005

Movie: Schweden - Hölle oder Paradies

Eh... Ok, this seems to be a German movie poster for an Italian porno flick about Sweden. Sweden - Hell or Paradise; I've pondered on this question many times myself. At the top - translated - I think reads "Unleashed Sex in the Land of the Midnight Sun"

Anyway, it's on eBay if you're interested: eBay: Poster - Schweden - Hölle oder Paradies (obsolete)

Update #1:

Adam of (Thanks Adam! Nice blog! I'll be back!) kindly points out that the English title of the movie is Sweden: Heaven or Hell (I kind of guessed it was). He also shared a great link to a review of the film (from Cinema Nocturna). I want to watch that movie! By the way, it seems to be more of a pseudo-porno selling on - putting it mildly - allusions to sex. I learned a new phrase - mondo movie, which is e term for "a type of quasidocumentary, usually depicting sensational topics and scenes" accoding to Wikipedia.

Update #2
MrDanteFontana from PCL LinkDump tells us that the "classic" song Mahnahmahna - made immortal in the Muppet Show - originally stems from this movie. The whole soundtrack was composed by Piero Umiliani.

Via Swen's Weblog


August 6, 2005

Klassfoton från Teaterhögskolan i Stockholm

Känns någon igen?

Bilder på avgångsklasserna vid Teaterhögskolan i Stockholm 1969-2004.
En och annan Hollywoodstjärna, dramatenskådespelare och såpaskådis. Sen är det de man aldrig sett eller såg någon gång och undrar vad som hände med.


June 24, 2005

...är lustiga att se?

Nä du killen, SMÅ ska de vara idag!

Är det så här det går till en dag som denna?
