History: 1939
Vis pistol - "Production started in the state armory Fabryka Broni in Radom in late 1935, and the following year it was introduced as the standard weapon of Polish infantry and cavalry officers."
Invasion of Poland (1939)
Vis pistol - "Production started in the state armory Fabryka Broni in Radom in late 1935, and the following year it was introduced as the standard weapon of Polish infantry and cavalry officers."
Invasion of Poland (1939)
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Rhapsody of Steel
In this post from January ASIFA said: "Today we scanned a read-along storybook adaptation of John Sutherland's industrial film, Rhapsody of Steel (1959). Sutherland's studio was very influential in the mid-1950s, employing some of the best designers in the business. This film is no exception."
There is also a QuickTime link in the post!
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: 1950s, ASIFA, Book, book illustrations, cartoon, film, future, history, illustration, retro-future, rhapsody of steel, steel, USA
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: 1970s, assassination, bulgaria, bulgarian, bulgarian umbrella, cold war, history, london, markov, murder, poison, secret service, umbrella
image found here
The Markov case - Piccadilly circus
(article in The Economist)
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: 1970s, assassination, bulgaria, bulgarian, bulgarian umbrella, cold war, history, london, markov, murder, news, poison, secret service, umbrella
I just had to try this Google service - Google Documents.
Posted by Martin Klasch 1 comments
Labels: google, Google Documents, graffiti, greece, history, lindworm, lion, piraeus, runes, scandinavian, sculpture, street art, the piraeus lion, varangians, venice, vikings, vintage
The Piraeus Lion "...was originally located in Piraeus, the ancient harbour of Athens (Greece). It was looted by Venetian naval commander Francesco Morosini in 1687 as plunder taken in the Great Turkish War against the Ottoman Empire..." / "The lion was a famous landmark in Piraeus, having stood there since the first or second century AD."
"The statue, which is made of white marble and stands some 3 m (9 ft) high, is particularly noteworthy for having been defaced some time in the second half of the 11th century by Scandinavians who carved two lengthy runic inscriptions into the shoulders and flanks of the lion. The runes are carved in the shape of an elaborate lindworm dragon-headed scroll, in much the same style as on rune stones in Scandinavia. The carvers of the runes were almost certainly Varangians(*), Scandinavian mercenaries in the service of the Byzantine Emperor who had been sent to Greece to put down a revolt by the local people."
"The inscriptions were not recognised as runes until the Swedish diplomat Johan David Åkerblad identified them at the end of the 18th century." / "The inscriptions are heavily eroded due to weathering and air pollution..." / "This has required translators to reconstruct some of the runes, filling in the blanks to determine what words they represented."
"Erik Brate's interpetation from 1914 is considered to be the most successful one.":
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: graffiti, greece, history, lindworm, lion, piraeus, runes, scandinavian, sculpture, street art, the piraeus lion, varangians, venice, vikings, vintage
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: animation, art, history, The Bayeux Tapestry, youtube
Cinema Europe: The Other Hollywood
Article in Wikipedia
The first three episodes of this 1996 six-part documentary about the birth of cinema and the development of European cinema up to the time of the surge of the Nazis. This wonderful ducumentary is presented in the blog Videos with Bibi.
Episode 1: Where It All Began, Episode 2: Art's Promised Land, Episode 3: The Unchained camera
Posted by Martin Klasch 5 comments
Labels: cinema europe, documentary, european, european film, films, history, movies, Videos with Bibi
It's the summer of 1966. The Brazilian national football team has been invited to the Swedish town of Åtvidaberg by the AB Facit company, at the time a large successful producer of calculators and typewriters. It is all a part of the Brazilian team's training program for the World Cup in England later in the summer. They have just played a training game against Åtvidaberg FF and now it's relaxation and party time. Singer Lill Lindfors is entertaining, Pelé, guys in viking helmets are there and meat is being grilled over the Churasqueiras...
View the clip
Via Josephzohn gås blogger
Posted by Martin Klasch 10 comments
Labels: AB Facit, Åtvidaberg FF, brazil, Brazil goes Åtvidaberg, history, Lill Lindfors, Pelé, Sweden
Seventeen Moments in Soviet History
Thanks to Bibi!
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: history, Soviet, Soviet Union, USSR
Yes, I know it's already been all over the web, but there are some really nice pictures here. So here we go:
Deutschland 1929 -- index of pictures
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: Deutschland 1929, germany, history, photos, pre-war
Klicka här för att komma till galleriet.
Via Smidigt.se
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: Black and White photos, history, photos, Soviet, Soviet Union
Kanske såg du dokumentären på tv, kanske inte. Läs här.
Det är knapp man tror det är sant.
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: 1950s, conspiracy, fake, football, history, revisionism, soccer, world championships 1958
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: documents, history, Martin Klasch, Martin Klasch Institutet
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: German, germany, history, nazi, nazi posters, posters, propaganda, WW2
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: Ephemera, graphic design, history, propaganda, propaganda leaflets, wartime