The last week or so I have had major problems watching clips on YouTube. Probably more than 90% of the clips have either just stuck in loading mode or the error message "We're sorry, this video is no longer available" reared its ugly face.

After searching the Internet for solutions, uninstalling and reinstalling Adobe Flash Player a number of times, I finally found someone in a forum who described exactly the same problem that I had. Luckily, I could also find the explanation; the culprits name is Google Web Accelerator.
Hey, wasn't it supposed to accelerate things?! Isn't it so that Google owns YouTube? Should they really make programs that sabotage YouTube watching?!! Is that wise?
Anyway, after uninstalling that program everything worked fine and I actually think general web surfing works faster without it. I could be imagining this but I'm not so sure.
Please check the comments for other possible solutions!---
Another YouTube problem and possible solutions: YouTube Freezing after just a couple of seconds---
By the way, do you use any personalized start page? I have had iGoogle for a long time but never used it. I never liked it. Don't ask why. Today I tried NetVibes and so far it seems really good and it looks a bit better than iGoogle too. So I guess I'll give it a try.
PS. I'm not a Google hater. They make lots of good stuff too.---