Ephemera: Esquire Playing Cards
Flickr: Vintage Esquire jumbo nudie playing card set
Need I say NSFW...?
Via coisas do arco da velha
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: deck of cards, Esquire, nudes, pin-ups, playing cards, vintage
Ephemera: Peter Cheyney Crime Club
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: Agence Eureka, deck of cards, Ephemera, playing cards, vintage games
Ephemera: "Nursery Rhymes" Playing Cards
Ephemera Assemblyman: "Nursery Rhymes" Playing Cards.
Note: At the bottom of his post you'll find links for more cards.
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: 1800S, cards, deck of cards, Ephemera, ephemera assemblyman, nursery rhymes, playing cards
Vintage Design: Soviet Mayan Playing Cards
Posted by Martin Klasch 1 comments
Labels: cards, deck of cards, game parts, illustration, mayan, Soviet, Soviet Union, USSR, vintage design
Ephemera: Bond Girl Playing Cards
Bond Girl Playing Cards
at Percy Trout's (NSFW!)
via This isn't happiness
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: 007, deck of cards, Ephemera, erotica, game parts, James Bond, movies, pin-ups, vintage design
Vintage Beverage: Loranga
is of the classic Swedish soft drinks introduced in the 50s that is still on the market. It used to be produced by Sandwalls ångbryggeri in Borås (I'm not sure if it was the first and only brewery to make Loranga but that would be my guess). Sandwalls brewery was bought and put to rest in the 70s/early 80s and Loranga has since been made by other brewerys. The card above is Mr Loranga in a set of Sandwalls happy families cards. Meet the whole family and the other charming Sandwalls families here.
PS. Yep, I've posted Sandwalls happy families before. It's worth it. Enjoy!

Vintage Beverage: Champis
Ephemera: Plonk! (Sound effect soft drink labels)
Ephemera: Swedish Soft Drink Labels
Vintage Beverage: Zingo
Vintage Beverage: Cuba Cola
All posts with label soft drinks
Posted by Martin Klasch 2 comments
Labels: beverage, cards, deck of cards, Ephemera, game, game parts, happy families, läsk, läskeblask, läskedryck, Loranga, Sandwalls, Sandwalls ångbryggeri, soft drinks, Sweden, swedish, vintage
Vintage Design: Strip Poker
Posted by Martin Klasch 8 comments
Labels: ace, cards, deadlicious, deck of cards, diamonds, game parts, illustration, Playboy, strip poker, vintage design
Illustration: Löjliga familjerna
Kolla in de löjliga familjerna med kreativa yrken.
Via PCL LinkDump
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: creative happy families, deck of cards, happy families, illustration