Ephemera: Bild-Lotto
P-E Fronning's Flickr: Bild-Lotto
A vintage game for kids age 3-7. This is a Swedish edition but it might be German from the beginning. Probably from the 60s. Who the illustrator is I do not know...
Posted by Martin Klasch 4 comments
Labels: Ephemera, flickr, game, game parts, illustration, p-e fronning, vintage games
Vintage Ads: Alien Poker
uploaded to Vintage Ads by sleep debt
Alien Poker Pinball 1980
Posted by Martin Klasch 2 comments
Labels: 1980s, alien, game, poker, vintage ads
Vintage Beverage: Loranga
is of the classic Swedish soft drinks introduced in the 50s that is still on the market. It used to be produced by Sandwalls ångbryggeri in Borås (I'm not sure if it was the first and only brewery to make Loranga but that would be my guess). Sandwalls brewery was bought and put to rest in the 70s/early 80s and Loranga has since been made by other brewerys. The card above is Mr Loranga in a set of Sandwalls happy families cards. Meet the whole family and the other charming Sandwalls families here.
PS. Yep, I've posted Sandwalls happy families before. It's worth it. Enjoy!

Vintage Beverage: Champis
Ephemera: Plonk! (Sound effect soft drink labels)
Ephemera: Swedish Soft Drink Labels
Vintage Beverage: Zingo
Vintage Beverage: Cuba Cola
All posts with label soft drinks
Posted by Martin Klasch 2 comments
Labels: beverage, cards, deck of cards, Ephemera, game, game parts, happy families, läsk, läskeblask, läskedryck, Loranga, Sandwalls, Sandwalls ångbryggeri, soft drinks, Sweden, swedish, vintage
Fun & Games: Jeu de massacre
Wanna play?
See more at Agence Eureka.
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: Agence Eureka, funny, game, game parts
Online Game: Puzzle Farter
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: game, online, online game, puzzle farter
Game: Factory Balls
Factory Balls - will you find the right production order?
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: factory balls, game
Game: GROW ver.1
GROW ver.1 is the name of the new online game from popular EYEZMAZE.
"There is no score system, but rather he says to play it as you would look through a picture book. In particular, your children may enjoy playing it with you." via Jay is Games
And yes, it's damned cute. Also, this time of year it might be appropriate to remind of holiday-themed Ornament.
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Game: Sesam Katapult
Sesam Katapult
Catapult a little guy across Norway...
Via IDG Surftips via Uffe
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: game, Sesam Katapult
Flash Thing: Park
A beautifully made flash thing (what would you call it?) with a little bit of point-and-click without any clear goal, as far as I can see. So it's not what you'd normally call a game. It's not new so you might have seen it before. Maybe you'll like it a bit anyway.
Here, though, is a game called Levers by the same makers.
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Game: Samorost 2
Finally the people at Czech company Amanita Design has made a sequel to the popular Samorost game. In the sequel you will find the same quality in the beautiful and highly imaginative scenery as well as in the great music and sounds. By pointing, clicking and solving some (not so hard) puzzles you can help the little guy in the white jump-suit to get his kidnapped dog back.
Actually there are two chapters, but the second one you'll have to pay to play. That's up to you. Anyway, if you liked the first Samorost - go ahead and play Samorost 2. If you're not familiar to the game - try the first Samorost, or take a look at the other nice stuff from Amanita design.
Via Jay is Games
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Grow Cube
If you are into puzzle games maybe you should have a look at GROW CUBE. I like the look of it at least. If you get tired there is a solution here. It's, however, debatable if there's any logic to it... There are a few more games to try, among them the original Grow.
Posted by Martin Klasch 5 comments
The Bottom Of The Sea
Are you feeling stressed? Try this soothing game.
Orisinal.com - The Bottom Of The Sea
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: game, The Bottom Of The Sea