Showing posts with label packaging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label packaging. Show all posts

May 29, 2006

Exhibition: Pastille Boxes

At Kulturhuset in Stockholm there's an exhibition of candy pastille boxes from the 50s to the 80s. Most are Swedish (and Finnish) so it's a nostalgic experience, if you are too, revisiting long lost lables. Many are classics, though, and still in production. And many are really pretty to watch. Or funny.

Here's the collector's site and there's a book too ("The Pastille Boxes of the Childhood").

On the subject from I like (repost)


May 21, 2006

Design: Vintage Japanese Matchbox Labels

No, this is not my own collection. Well, that is I have collected them, from the internet. I found them in October last year and I published them here and in Musselsoppans Vänner at the time. I just think they are extraordinarily beautiful and I was sad to see that the original link to them were dead. There were many more there but I'm glad I saved this many. Enjoy.


May 20, 2006

Design: Cigarette Packs

These two sites must represent the two most extensive cigarette pack collections on the internet (am I wrong?) : DesignBoom (via Coudal Partners) and La Saga Cigarette (a repost originally via NIBLOG). They are both very impressive.

After getting some inspiration go here and generate your own cigarette pack.


March 10, 2006

Design: Vintage Gum, Candy, Crisp etc

A Sampler of Things
is a sampler of things like these. Go there, get a sample!

Come to think of it, I probably saw it here first: Bedazzled!

October 25, 2005

Design: Japanese matchboxes

Japanese matchboxes (original link is obsolete - but click here for more images from that site)
Even more, but only with elephant motives.

There's a connection with the last post. What is it?

Via Jaf Project


September 19, 2005

Bullens á la Warhol

Artist: Göran Tull
Bullens canned sausages. Hardly kosher.

A few more examples of classic swedish packaging design.


September 18, 2005

Tick Tock Toys

Who ever said that nostagia is a bad thing? Check this fantastic site out. It's full of great stuff. Food packaging, store displays, krazy ad characters, cartoon characters and much much more! Get lost in there!

Tick Tock Toys - Archives & Galleries

(Americans should be even more happy about the site...)

Thanks to Stationsvakt!

September 9, 2005

Design: The last Gauloises factory in France is closing

"They drink half as much red wine as they used to, barely anyone wears a beret, the bidet has been banished from their bathrooms ... and now they've stopped making Gauloises. Le pays, as the French do not say, is going to les chiens."

From The Guardian

A collection of
Gauloises packs from the cigarette pack collection site La saga cigarette. Which is your brand?