Music Video: Das Mauer Power

"Das Mauer Power (recorded 1989 by IFA Wartburg) is a song that explains how powerful a concrete wall can be. For many years, this video was impossible to broadcast due to migration problems from the DDR picture system RiesenAlpha2000 to modern video formats. Now, Das Mauer Power has been converted to SuperBeta. The video will be broadcasted worldwide during the "20 jahre Deutsche Demokratische Republik ohne Mauer"-Jubiläum the 9th of november 2009." - IFA Wartburg
More from IFA Wartburg


Photos: Shock Waves Shockwaves and High Speed Videography

Book Covers: Slovakian Expose III

A Journey Round My Skull: Slovakian Expose III
...and the whole collection: Slovakian Book Covers

Illustration: King Trash

Michael DeForge/King trash
Via Beautiful Decay


Ephemera: Space Foods Company

Golden Age Comic Book Stories: Galaxy Syrup Space Foods Company ~ 1953
Don't miss the bottles!

Vintage Magazines: Cavalier

Illustration by Gerry Gersten (click image to enlarge)
Vintage Girlie Mags: Cavalier Vol. 16, No. 157 (July 1966)

Vintage Magazines: Caper

Vintage Girlie Mags: Caper Vol. 10, No. 5 (Sept 1964) NSFW!

Ephemera: Gymnastique scolaire

Flickr: pillpat (agence eureka): album Milliat (1933-34)

Wacky Stuff: wackystuff

Original image and caption: Oh god, I hope they don't ...

Don't forget to visit wackystuff often for some incredible wacky stuff. Like this and this.

Architecture: Ford Times, Nov 1959

"Editor's note: As backgrounds for the 1960 Fords, we chose ten wonderful, but unavailable, sites in America's most spectacular scenery, much of which is in national parks and monuments. We then asked R. A. Hermes, graduate architect, to design houses that would take full advantage of each site, against renderings of them by Charles Harper, we photo composed the new models. On the cover you saw a spherical plastic house which would achieve the ultimate in prefabrication since it has no footings or foundation. The tree house on the inside front cover, designed for Sequoia National Park, could be assembled on the ground, then hoisted like a dough nut up a sapling. There are eight other dream houses, each a setting for cars that are not just a dream= "A Wonderful New World of Fords" described in detail on these pages." Ford Times, Nov 1959

This text/image/great set is found at David at The Klockarp Institute's Flickr. He's just swell, go see!

Animation: Yonder

Yonder from Emilia on Vimeo.

Yonder: A film by Emilia Forstreuter
Via Coudal Partners


Art: Léon Spilliaert

All Things Amazing: Léon Spilliaert (1881-1946)
"...was a Belgian symbolist painter and graphic artist." (read more at Wikipedia)