Christmas Music: Klasch Records 2005-2008

Klasch Records sadly informs us that they will not release a new Christmas record this year. There just wasn't enough time and energy. (Edit: Sant-O-Nine!) However they send our readers their best wishes for the Holidays and kindly lets us repost Santaism (2008), Santaphonic (2007), Santology (2006), Santalicious (2005).

Click the individual images to get to the music and to unpack you type the name of this blog (without space).

Get it while you can and happy listening!

Update: Christmas is over for this year!

Ephemera: Hotel Door Hangers

Michael Lebowitz: hotel door hangers collected by my grandfather

I just had to re-post this too. Now I'm off!

Book Covers: The Maltese Falcon

I'm off on a week's vacation. I leave you wondering where I'm off to with this book cover found at coverbrowser.

Poster Art: Grundig

A Swedish poster ad for Grundig Television from the 50s by Hietala.

Book Covers: Smalfilmskolan

"The School of Narrow Film", cover by: Rolf Lagerson, 1955

New additions to my Flickr.

Design: Sweden

I wonder to what extent a non-Swede can identify these symbols...
Via This Isn't Happiness

As understand it, it was made by Andreas Pihlström Suprb and/or Rasmus Andersson Hunch

Book Covers: De houn...

"Frisian detective by A. Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes or. The hound of the Baskervilles) Issued in The Netherlands early 60's. Published by AJO."

twincovercollector's Flickr


Vintage Comics: SICK

Deadlicious: Sick - 101 hippie jokes