Unrealised Projects For Moscow

Let's kick off the 10 year anniversary rerun series with the first Martin Klasch post ever, from 2nd of May 2005.

Palace of Soviets (Dom Sovetov). O.Iofan, O.Gelfreikh, V.Schuko. Sculptor S.Merkulov. A Version of the approved project. 1934

Original link broken

New links: Moscow architecture from the 1930s to the early 1950s, Unrealised Stalinist Moscow, Moskow 30 50 Unrealised Projects (slideshow)
Related post: Vintage postcard: World exposition 1937 

The Martin Klasch 10 year anniversary rerun series

10th Anniversary Coming Up

Tomorrow, short of one month, it will be ten years since this blog started. I figure, what date would be better suited to end this blog than on its tenth anniversary. I'm not bitter but not that many will care anyway. Let's face it. It's not like the blog is read by 2-3.000 a day like six years ago. And it's not like I post everyday like I used to. However, if you read this I guess you care to some extent and I thank you for that. Thanks to everyone who visited.

You are now forewarned.

This was the original header by the way.

EDIT: PS. The post was written on April the first. However it didn't gain much attention which speaks something of ...something. Thanks to the two kind souls who expressed their regret that the blog was shutting down.    

Ha ha