Ephemera: Omochae
Ephemera Assemblyman: Omochae: Japanese toy pictures
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Ephemera Assemblyman: Omochae: Japanese toy pictures
What is it? Can you help with the definition?
Posted by Martin Klasch 3 comments
Labels: Ephemera, ephemera assemblyman, japan, Japanese, toy
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: game parts, misfits, rocket men, space age, toy, toys, vintage design
I have edited the original image somewhat...
Topps Blockhead - #7 The Hippie
by grickily
A Sampler of Things - Post: Topps Blockheads
"...the art was designed by Wally Wood and Basil Wolverton and most were painted by Norm Saunders, the guy that did Mars Attacks."
Related posts:
Wacky Packages
Ugly Buttons
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: blockhead, flickr, grickily, Norman Saunders, the hippie, topps, toy, toys, vintage
Game Parts - a set on Flickr
by takeabreak
Found via this isn't happiness
This post is dedicated to Cirkusdirektören!
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: flickr, game parts, toy, toys, vintage design
Thanks to mr foxman (the owner) - can you hear the piano?
Posted by Martin Klasch 5 comments
Labels: cell phone films, mechanic, tin toys, toy, toys
"Meet Bernadette, A.K.A Bernie. Bernie was made from a well-worn sock and is turning into a well-worn stuffed animal! Bernie loves to sit and eat goldfish crackers ALL day long. She can be shy at first but once she gets to know you she's quite the motormouth. I have to go, she wants me to throw the goldfish into her mouth so she can catch them!"- Diane Koss
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: bernie, childhood, nostalgia, teddy bear, toy, wow wow
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: 1970s, astronaut, commercial, dolls, GI Joe, life-like hair, toy
Just a little web toy to keep you occupied for a few minutes - FeedTheHead.
From the same maker:
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: AcroBots, FeedTheHead, Levers, toy, VectorPark, web toy
The Lill Lindfors paper doll
From Ă…ret Runt 22, 1970
Other dolls: Brigitte Bardot (1965), Harry Belafonte (1966), Donovan (1966), Ingemar Stenmark (Swedish alpine star, 1975), David Bowie (1976), Ulf Lundell (Swedish author and musician, 1977), The Swedish king, Carl Gustaf and the Swedish queen Silvia (both in 1978) and a "Negermusikant" (!) (Negroe musician) back in 1961.
Kattis Klippdockor (Click the masthead thumbs for galleries.), a Swedish page for paper dolls published in weekly Swedish magazines.
Posted by mrdantefontana 6 comments
Posted by Martin Klasch 17 comments
Labels: birthday, blog, Celebration, Martin Klasch, toy, youtube
Quoting the excellent Presurfer: "Dreamlines is a non-linear, interactive visual experience. The user enters one or more words that define the subject of a dream he would like to dream."
This is, by the way, where I'm going today. Any guesses?:)
Play around with it for a while and cool images, that would easily pass for art, will appear and evolve on your screen. Go ahead and dream.
Via The Presurfer
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: dreamlines, toy
"a lot of people in the 'action figure community' are mean to me because some of my dolls are gay."
Posted by Martin Klasch 0 comments
Labels: dolls, gay, nazi, nazi dolls, naziploitation, toy