Animation: De Fabeltjeskrant
De Fabeltjeskrant (Eng: "The Fables Newspaper", Swe: "Fablernas värld") is a classic Dutch children's TV-show made during the periode 1968 and 1992. (I believe there was a big gap in the production from the mid 70s to 1985. Correct me if I'm wrong). The show was shown in many countries in western Europe and in South America and is probably the must successful show in Dutch history. Many of the fables were adaptations of the writings of French 17th century fabulist Jean de la Fontaine.
Click the image and watch a Dutch episod at Drommels.
A link to the Dutch De Fabeltjeskrant website and one to a Dutch Wikipedia page and one Swedish Wikipedia page and one to IMDb.
Simma lungt!