"Alan Aldridge is a UK artist, born in 1943. During the 1960s and 1970s he was responsible for a great many album covers, and helped create the graphic style of that era. He designed a series of science fiction book covers for Penguin Books."/"His work was characterised by a flowing, cartoony style and soft airbrushing - very much in step with the psychedelic styles of the times." (Wikipedia)
Official site.
Connecting this post with the previous one on Heinz Edelmann here is a quote from Bob Neaverson's The Beatles Movies on the subject of Yellow Submarine: "Formally, the film is rooted in a range of sixties pop styles, and the eclecticism of its colour imagery (designed largely by German poster artist Heinz Edelmann) is derived from a vast range of popular contemporary approaches, including imagery culled from the pop art paintings, prints and designs of artists such as Peter Blake and Andy Warhol, the ‘op’ art of Bridget Riley, surrealist and expressionist art, the psychedelic graphics of British and American underground poster designers such as Martin Sharp and Rick Griffin, and the work of popular illustrators such as Alan Aldridge, who was apparently initially involved with creating some of the draft drawings for the animation."
Left. Alan Aldridge's The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics at Prof. Michael Stoll's Flickr.
Below. Book covers by Alan Aldridge from mjkghk's Flickr. Click here for more.