Showing posts with label James Bond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Bond. Show all posts

March 12, 2016

Ken Adam Designs

Ken Adam's designs for James Bond movies. 

Ken Adam (5 February 1921 - 10 March 2016)

March 10, 2016

Book Cover Art, James Bond In The Cinema

Click image for larger

Illustration by Stefan Dreja. Title: 'James Bond In The Cinema', 1972. The cover with book title and before final cleaning up.


October 26, 2010

July 11, 2009

Swedish Actresses: Adams, Ekland and more...

Please click the image for a remarkable transformation!

Maud Adams (born Maud Solveig Christina Wikström) IMDb, Wikipedia
Britt Ekland (born Britt-Marie Eklund) IMDb, Wikipedia

Related: The Swedish Actresses series
this post.
IMDb: The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)

December 5, 2008

Magazine Covers: Jaguar

"Who says pussycats are afraid of water? Not Jaguar Bond, agent 0069, the man from O.R.G.Y!"

Learn more - see the whole cover at Farbror Sid's!

August 13, 2008

Statistics: The Three Most Popular Posts

I just realized, checking in on the stats, that Martin Klasch had a hit post almost two weeks ago - on the 1st of this month to be exact. Sure there were a few comments but not a staggering amount so I had no idea.

The average number of unique visitors a day, over the last two years is 301 but during the same period three (3) posts have created some major traffic - or so I think anyway.

The first and the most popular one was The James Bond title sequences on the 21st of November 2006 - unfortunately those videos are gone from YouTube but most or all the titles can be found if you search for them. Anyway, it generated 8,691 visitors and about 20,000 "extra" visitors all together.

The second peak visible on the chart was small in comparison peaking at 2,087 (approximately 4,500 in total). The post, on the 2nd of February 2007, was this one: Desmond Dekker - Israelites. Oh yes, go ahead - you can still watch and listen to the great Mr Dekker.

And now, finally, the third "top post" and the one I began telling you about in the beginning of this post. The second most popular post ever for this blog is... *drum roll*: Lion in a sidecar! It took in about 7,500 visitors total in one week and peaking on the 1st of August (2008) at 5,065. It seems that MetaFilter was mainly responsible for spreading the word. The other times I believe it was boingboing's fault.

So, how do we wrap this post up? Why have I been reading this, you ask. Is there a conclusion or a moral to it all? Golly, what demands! Well, I don't know, maybe it makes it pretty obvious that a post need not be very elaborate or very good to be a hit. This blog has certainly had more elaborate and some better posts. That's what I think at least. But whether or not you create a hit has a great deal to do with timing and luck. But you already knew that. Thanks for reading.

PS. No I don't think this post will grab a spot in the Martin Klasch hall of fame.


January 27, 2008

Book Covers: 007 On Her Majesty's Postal Service

The royal mail
issues six stamps to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of James Bond's creator Ian Flemming. The stamps all features four James Bond book covers of the same novel and can all be seen at the web site of the stamp designer A2/SW/HK (scroll down).

I thought Bond never got licked...

Via El Burlador

Related posts


September 30, 2005

Who's Your Favorite James Bond Villain?

My four favorites or let's say my favorite two pairs of Bond villains are all from the same Bond-movie - Diamonds Are Forever. They are of course
Mr Wint & Mr Kidd...

...and Bambi & Thumper.

Both pairs are really weird, revolting, scary and both are probably supposed to be gay; at least the men (no question). As I recall, it's not far-fetched to interpret the women as being man-hating gays as well. Do these villains show the film maker's fear of everything homosexual? Be that as it may, it's the total weirdness of the characters that grabs me.

So, who's your favorite James Bond Villain?

James Bond MultiMedia | Bond Villains

And while you're at it; who's your favorite bond girl? (or spot five Swedish beauties or what's your favorite bond girl name?)


May 14, 2005

The Art of James Bond

Nick Nack

The Art of James Bond

UPDATE: The site is closed unfortunately