Christmas: Probably the best Yule music ever

I realize "The best..." are strong words, but listen to The Soulful Strings - The Magic of Christmas, and tell me if I'm wrong? Do you have a better candidate?

UPDATE: Sorry, no longer available...

(Thanks to Basic Hip Digital Oddio for posting the music stream! It's possible to get it in better quality here; but not for free.)


Magazine: Playboy. In Braille!!

Playboy. In Braille

Via the great mr Josephzohn


Game: Samorost 2

Finally the people at Czech company Amanita Design has made a sequel to the popular Samorost game. In the sequel you will find the same quality in the beautiful and highly imaginative scenery as well as in the great music and sounds. By pointing, clicking and solving some (not so hard) puzzles you can help the little guy in the white jump-suit to get his kidnapped dog back.
Actually there are two chapters, but the second one you'll have to pay to play. That's up to you. Anyway, if you liked the first Samorost - go ahead and play Samorost 2. If you're not familiar to the game - try the first Samorost, or take a look at the other nice stuff from Amanita design.

Via Jay is Games


Photography: Elliott Erwitt

Elliott Erwitt photography

Via Happy Palace


Music: Jimi Hendrix - Wind Cries Mary

Jimi Hendrix - Wind Cries Mary - Google Video
Stockholm, 1967


Illustration: Kay Nielsen

"Kay Nielsen was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1886. His first success as an illustrator came with the book we digitized for inclusion in our media database today... 'The Twelve Dancing Princesses'. Nielsen differed from his contemporaries, who were steeped in the European tradition, by following the lead of artists from the art nouveau movement like Aubrey Beardsley, as well as Persian and Asian art."

11 illustrations in colour by Nielsen at ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive Project Blog


Movie: Vad va´ det jag sa #1

Enligt en världsomspännande undersökning av SVT är Göta Kanal världens genom tiderna 6:e roligaste film. Är det inte det jag har hävdat hela tiden, att den är bra.

Göta Kanal (IMDb)


Music: Deutsche Junge Freundschaft mit Hahn

To listen click here!

Tack till mr dante Fontanas förlag som låtit världen uppleva Tyskland 1977.

Für Gockel Konstantin hat fliegen keinen Sinn.
Er muß am Boden bleiben und uns die Zeit vertreiben.

Auh weia, auh weia, der Hahn legt keine Eier.
Auh weia, auh weia, der Hahn legt keine Eier.

Für Gockel Konstantin hat schlafen keinen Sinn.
Wer soll uns sonst im Leben von Uhlenbusch erzählen?

Auh weia, auh weia, der Hahn legt keine Eier.
Auh weia, auh weia, der Hahn legt keine Eier.

Für Gockel Konstantin hat weinen keinen Sinn.
Wir sind in deiner Nähe und machen dein Gekrähe.

Auh weia, auh weia, kiki-riki-kiki.
Auh weia, auh weia, kiki-riki-kiki.



Music: Janko Nilovic - Supra Pop Impressions

Download Janko Nilovic's Montparnasse 2000 (MP 16) Supra Pop Impressions and Sweet Colours. (Obsolete links)

via Happy Dreamers's Time


Funny film: Le Super Monk

Via PCL LinkDump:
Super Monk (Super Moine) (.mov, 35mb)