June 14, 2007

Vintage ads: Take me to the cleaners!

Vintage cleaners ads
from public transport in Stockholm. Click the images to enlarge!

From a book called Reklam i rörelse (Advertisment in motion) published by Trafik-Nostalgiska Förlaget (in Swedish)
Buy "Reklam i rörelse"
here. It's a great book with loads of images and it only costs about eight bucks!!


Animation: Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed

"Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed, aka The Adventures of Prince Achmed, (1926): directed by Lotte Reiniger and Carl Koch, with the collaboration of Berthold Bartosch and Walter Ruttmann, based on the character Prince Ahmed, from the book 1001 Arabian Nights."

"It is the oldest surviving feature-length animated film, and it featured a silhouette animation technique Reiniger had invented..."

I would have had to post about ten images from this movie to give you an idea of how brilliant it is; it must be seen. Now it has been made possible by Videos with Bibi.

This video is unfortunately no longer available. You have to be quick when things like this comes along!

Stephen of ASIFA wrote to remind us of these articles:
Reiniger's Adventures of Prince Achmed Part One
Reiniger's Adventures of Prince Achmed Part Two



June 11, 2007

Arboriculture: About a tree

Immanuel Kant - the famous philosopher - was born in the East Prussian capital Königsberg (Koenigsberg). He allegedly never traveled more than a 100 miles from his hometown and died there in 1804. Around that time a tree was born in Königsberg. It is still standing - in Kaliningrad - the administrative center of the Russian exclave Kaliningrad. However, you might say it uses some help standing up...(more)

(You might say this post didn't have much to to with arboriculture. You'd be right of course. The drawing was found here.)


About "Kant" check this old post out!


June 6, 2007

Fact: I hate memes

I recieved a mail from Lex10 - the GlyphJockey. It read:

1. only eat GOAT cheese.
2. Pictures? I actaully hate pictures.
3. Klasch is really spelled Clash

etc etc.

wanna do the 8 random facts?
I hate the concept too, but you, I trust"

Well, well, dear Lex10, you think you can trust me do you? This is my answer:

"I hate the concept too..." will be the only fact coming out of me I'm afraid. * (1.) If I started the blog today I would possibly call it "I hate memes". (2) 'Cause I do. I'm honored (3) (though I'm not sure why) that you tagged me but I hate you - mildly ;) - for it. You are not totally misinformed about the goat cheese - I do love cheese. (4) My favorites are Italian and Spanish ones like Parmesan, Pecorino Romano and Manchego. No. I don't hate pictures (5). Not the painted ones, not the moving ones, not the drawn ones, not the photoed ones. Many of them are dear friends of mine. Some of them can be found on Musselsoppans Vänner. Martin Klasch is spelled Martin Klasch (6). I'm not Martin Klasch. Who is Martin Klasch? Who is P-E Fronning? He is me (7). Or is he? If he is, who is he? * I am a contradiction (8).

This is was not the first meme "questionnaire" I've gotten. I have not answered any yet. I have not forwarded any yet. I'm not about to start now. I can not deny that I feel honored getting them but, for me, they usually take to much time and effort to answer. And the forwarding part- chain letter style - I especially don't like. So, know this: P-E Fronning of Martin Klasch is a boring bastard who hates memes but loves the people who sends them.


June 2, 2007

Russian animation: Cheburashka

This is not the first time we mention Cheburashka* and his friend Gena the crocodile or Russian animation for that matter. You can read "all" about the little critter, including what he is or was in my home country Sweden, in Wikipedias article - the important thing right now is that Bibi posted some Cheburashka films on Videos with Bibi. Yes, I know, they are neither subtitled nor dubbed, but they are beautifully animated. So I suggest you at least have a look to see what Cheburashka is all about.

* "Cheburashka.../... is a character of children's literature from a story by the Russian writer Eduard Uspensky. He is also the hero .../... of the animated film series by Soyuzmultfilm studio." ... "Cheburashka is a funny little animal, unknown to science, who lived in the tropical forest. He accidentally got into a crate of oranges, ate his fill and fell asleep. Cheburashka is not a personal name; it is a species name invented by the puzzled director of the shop, where he was found."
According to Wikipedia only four Cheburashka films were made (1969, 1971, 1974, 1983).
In my home country - Sweden - we never got to see the films, we only had a Cheburashka puppet show as the children's segment of the TV-show "Sveriges Magasin". Here they were called "Drutten och Krokodilen (Jena)" and lived in a bookshelf; they were immensely popular.

Quotes from Wikipedia


Art: Rock 'n' Roll and Baseball

A creative meeting between music and sport artfully arranged by Glyphjockey.

Check it out.

May 20, 2007

Photo: Le homme de Frites

Right now I am visiting the Country of Frites. This cell phone photo however was taken in Stockholm just a couple of days ago. Don't forget to check out more photos and other images at Musselsoppans Vänner, OK? It has been refilled during the last couple of weeks.


May 18, 2007

Poster Art: Movie posters from Belarus

"These are posters for Hollywood movies made for the cinemas of Belarus capital city Minsk."

Radio: Oh-la-la!

I'll be gone a few days. If you can't wait for some more Le Jukebox Français don't forget you can always listen to DJ Natashka's totally francophone Radio Oh-la-la! Au revoir!

Le Jukebox Français 3: Michel Fugain

French artist number three to perform on the francophone extravaganza we call Le Jukebox Français - is Michel Fugain. (Check out his new songs on his MySpace.) Put your funkiest clothes on and dance to these three tracks!

Thanks to the artist and to those who uploaded the videos to YouTube!


May 16, 2007

Le Jukebox Français 2: Jacques Dutronc

The second French artist presented in the music video series Le Jukebox Français - is Jacques Dutronc. Let's go!

Thanks to the artist and to those who uploaded the videos to YouTube!


Le Jukebox Français 1: Michel Polnareff

The first French artist that I have chosen for this new series of French music videos - which I call Le Jukebox Français - is Michel Polnareff. You can find more videos with him on DailyMotion. Put your coolest glasses on and enjoy!

Thanks to the artist and to those who uploaded the videos to YouTube!


May 15, 2007

Animation & Nostalgia: The Tooth Trolls

This film is nostalgia for me even though it was made all the way back in 1954. Karius og Baktus (Karius och Baktus, Karius and Bactus e t c) is a Norwegian film by Ivo Caprino made with the pedagogical purpose of getting kids to brush their teeth properly. It features two irritating "tooth trolls" nesting in some kids teeth.

In the 70s they made us watch it in school several times and I know I thought it was kind of grim. Of course we preferred watching it to having regular classes. As if the film wasn't enough I was given the book, probably by my Norwegian godparents. Was it because I had bad personal hygiene? I would like to think not.

Click here or on the image to get to Bibi's excellent video blog Videos With Bibi (updated daily!!) and her equally excellent post called Ivo Caprino Short Stop Motion Animations I, where you'll find Karius and Bactus and four more films by Ivo Caprino.

Update: Ivo Caprino Short Stop Motion Animations II

By the way, if you like stop motion movies and you happen to stumble upon a movie called Flåklypa Grand Prix (Pinchcliffe Grand Prix) you should watch it. This is Ivo Caprino's masterpiece from 1975; also great nostalgia for me.


May 12, 2007

Animation: ASIFA

Don't forget to visit ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive - probably the best animation site in the world! Visit often.


Video: Weird Hong Kong movie fight scene clip with angry ball monster

Posted for my friend Norton Trenter. Enjoy!


Music video: Thelonious Moog

Thelonious Moog - Hocus Pocus (Focus cover)

This and 2 more Thelonious Moog videos can be found here.

Paper dolls

The Lill Lindfors paper doll
From Året Runt 22, 1970

Other dolls: Brigitte Bardot (1965), Harry Belafonte (1966), Donovan (1966), Ingemar Stenmark (Swedish alpine star, 1975), David Bowie (1976), Ulf Lundell (Swedish author and musician, 1977), The Swedish king, Carl Gustaf and the Swedish queen Silvia (both in 1978) and a "Negermusikant" (!) (Negroe musician) back in 1961.

Kattis Klippdockor (Click the masthead thumbs for galleries.), a Swedish page for paper dolls published in weekly Swedish magazines.

May 4, 2007

Animation: The Bayeux Tapestry

Have a look at this nicely made animation of the Bayeux Tapestry. Perhaps preferably the larger screen version. To resize, click the YouTube symbol and then the button on the far right below the screen.

Via Cynical-C blog

May 2, 2007

Celebration: The Martin Klasch blog turns 2

Today we have been doing this blog-thing for two years and we demand that you buy us this present. Yes! Go on! Thank you very much.

May 1, 2007

Art: Mark Rothko

Green over Blue, 1956 , Oil on canvas

Mark Rothko

Paintings and bio.

Earlier post at Martin Klasch about Rothko.